Monday 18 May 2009

Capturing images from a Mintron under Windows Vista

The AVI capture software HandyAvi is ideal for capturing integrated frames from a Mintron under Windows Vista. This is a low cost, high quality piece of software that does not do the on-the-fly integration into 32 bit deep fits files that AstroVideo does, but it does produce AVIs that either it can stack, or Registax can stack.
HandyAvi can be obtained from
It comes with a 170 page manual available in PDF format or readable online at:

Screenshot from HandyAvi

Six frames were captured at 5 second intervals: the interval between image updates on maximum, 256 frame integration. HandyAvi can be set to capture at fractions of a second as well so for example, frames could be captured at 2.5 second intervals if required. Play the movie below and note that the second hand of the clock jumps round at 5 second intervals.

I use a KWorld DVD Maker USB 2.0 capture card to capture data from the Mintron to a laptop computer as discussed in an earlier post.

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